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Clay Paky B-Eye K25
The very special and improved version in the B-Eye family. The K25 is a powerful and versatile LED fixture that operates in three different modes - as a wash light, beam light or a kaleidoscope effect. Not only the front lens rotates but also the individual LED light source can be controlled to achieve the desired visual effect. This unit is more interactive than any other B-Eye fixture, as well as offers silent delivery of enhanced lighting show.
Mechanical Specification
Height: 590 mm (23.23")
Width: 488mm (19.21")
Depth: 387mm (15.24")
Weight: 27.5 kg (60.6 lbs)

Check B-Eye K25 on Clay Paky's website for more features and effects you can achieve with this LED lighting fixture.
Prices available upon request
Please call us on 020 8965 9119 or email to receive an individually tailored quote
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